Thank you for checking out this newsletter about early literacy. I am a teacher, Certified Dyslexia Practitioner and literacy advocate. I spend my free time deep-diving into research around early literacy. Research indicates that the earliest years of life are paramount to positive outcomes for children. Many of our students arrive in Kindergarten at a disadvantage and spend the rest of their K-12 years playing catch up.
It doesn’t have to be that way.
As a district leader, you have an opportunity to implement cutting-edge research and curriculum. You will find both here. This newsletter will encourage you to reach out to other entities that also care deeply about positive literacy outcomes- pediatrics, public health and libraries. We have mostly been siloed from each other. The time has come to combine forces to bring the most informed approach to early literacy.
Please subscribe and check back for my first official newsletter on January 1. You can expect a newsletter on the 1st of every month.
Thank you for reading.